Wednesday, June 4, 2014


After leaving Seattle, we took a swift journey through central Washington, Idaho, and Utah to eastern Colorado to see our friend Blane. Blane lives in Rulison, which is between Rifle and Parachute (both bustling metropolises). 

Blane is a friend from our camp at Burning Man and has lived on his property since 1970-something, running various honey farming and packaging operations (he has recently branched to bee pollen as well, which is a health food advertised for its ability to reduce seasonal allergies and also contain a full spectrum of amino acids and protein). His honey is, quite simply, the best. His unique grasp on the English language and use of words (he refers to himself as an anachronism) is always enlightening.

Blane took us out to Arches National Park in Utah to go camping and check out some canyons. I wasn't eager to hop back in the car after traveling 1000 miles in two days, but the scenery and company made me glad I did. There is nothing cooler than getting dirty with a local on some backroads and soaking up knowledge about the plants and geology of the area.

The best vista Blane was able to show us was Dead Horse Point, which is allegedly only second to the Grand Canyon (which I have not seen). The top of the canyon is a full 2000 ft about the river and the view goes on to at least two different mountain ranges in various directions. Highly recommended if you are ever within 100 miles of Moab.

We're already missing Blane, but looking forward to connecting this year at Burning Man again.